Sunday 25 August 2019


    "Beauty comes from within". "The true beauty of a person is recognized through their attitude and not through their physical appearances." These are the statements I often heard to 'playing-safe-like' people when you ask about the real meaning of beauty. Well, screw that shit because it ain't real. Let us come to the reality where, when a person has fair skin, thick eyelashes, and eyebrows, slim body, pimple-less face or pointed nose, you can already say that the person is beautiful. Some may say that even people with pimples, flat nose, fat or tanned skin are still beautiful. Yet I still haven't read or heard people say, 'she helped an old woman, therefore she's beautiful', 'she cares about our nature, therefore she's beautiful', 'she respects her parents, therefore she's beautiful', 'she's a good person, therefore she's beautiful'. We may have different perspectives of knowing what is beautiful though most of it is based physically and not through the attitude of an individual.

'What is beauty?', my friend asked me. I told her, 'Beauty is a piece of mindset woven in the eyes of a person.'

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